View the full Sports to the People program here!
Sports to the People is a public programme that includes a number of drop-in sports for all the people living and visiting Copenhagen and Malmö during Copenhagen 2021. These could for example include Drag Olympics, Rainbow family sports, Roller-skating through the city, Bicycle workshops, Skiing on the Copenhagen ski slope and many more fun sports events.
These popular sporting events will take place in several squares, parks and venues across Copenhagen and they will be held throughout the week of Copenhagen 2021. The goal is to have at least one morning activity, one afternoon activity and one evening activity each day, involving thousands.
Some of the participating clubs hosting activities are: Copenhagen Beachvolley Club, presenting a new volleyball format called crossnet; Street Under Buen, an urban sports mecca below Bispeengbuen will host street soccer, panna football, street basket etc.; and Pan Golf will roll out shorter courses in connection with Sports Village on Islands Brygge!
More than 30 clubs have signed up for arranging public sporting events, and you can see all events every day in the official app or on the Sports to the People Facebook page under Events.
Read: Nordea-fonden supports EuroGames Sports to the People program with DKK 1,455,000.
Read more on the DGI website (in Danish).
EuroGames is licensed by the European Gay & Lesbian Sports Federation and hosted by Pan Idræt